Primary Colours

Primary Colours

Just as every hue in the rainbow can be traced back to a mix of primary colours, can human behaviours and the ways we communicate them, be boiled down to a recognisable pattern? Alas, humans don’t conform to colour theory. In fact, if there’s one truly consistent thing about human behaviour, it’s that people behave   [ more » ]

Who’s that on Donald Trump’s hat?

Who’s that on Donald Trump’s hat?

Could a long-dead German philosopher resembling Karl Marx with a proper haircut, hold the keys to the 2016 US presidential election race? Yes, if the sharply-contrasting campaigning styles of rival candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reveal deeper truths about the way modern societies are led, and the way we pick those who will wield   [ more » ]

Brazilian Executives Invest in the Art of Communicating

Brazilian Executives Invest in the Art of Communicating

Valor Economico, Brazil’s  top-selling  financial daily, highlights Communicate Charisma in a profile of leading  courses available to executives seeking higher leadership skills. Read the translation of Reporter Vinícius Cherobino’s Portuguese-language full-page article which appeared 05 September 2013:   Valor Brazil – Executives invest in the Art of Communicating (PDF file) You can  find the original at:   [ more » ]

Help us to Measure Rev. Dr Martin Luther King’s Power to Communicate Charisma

Help us to Measure Rev. Dr Martin Luther King’s Power to Communicate Charisma

  Could you say something in a way that will be remembered in 50 years’ time? More than just remembered, let’s say you’ll have bridges, airports, schools, even a national holiday named after you; that your words will have become part of a national curriculum learned by every child. What you have yet to say   [ more » ]