Every speechwriter and every public speaker knows you should finish your talk with an inspiring call to action. That’s how leaders trigger real change. Sometimes it works – and sometimes it doesn’t. But the first rule is: always keep it short. So “Yes, we can” worked. So did “I have a dream,” and “We choose [ more » ]
Primary Colours
Just as every hue in the rainbow can be traced back to a mix of primary colours, can human behaviours and the ways we communicate them, be boiled down to a recognisable pattern? Alas, humans don’t conform to colour theory. In fact, if there’s one truly consistent thing about human behaviour, it’s that people behave [ more » ]
“So how does Communicate Charisma Work?”
We constantly get asked what is the scientific basis or proven methodology that underlies the Communicate Charisma system. I wish there was a one-liner to answer this, but there isn’t. So if you really need to know, please be patient. Just as the “hive” model pictured above took time to build, so our explanation has [ more » ]
Who’s that on Donald Trump’s hat?
Could a long-dead German philosopher resembling Karl Marx with a proper haircut, hold the keys to the 2016 US presidential election race? Yes, if the sharply-contrasting campaigning styles of rival candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reveal deeper truths about the way modern societies are led, and the way we pick those who will wield [ more » ]
Still Firing, but with feeling
Just like the sending and receiving of Christmas cards, the distribution of pink slips or redundancy notices terminating employment within any company is a ritual that follows complex rules. Nevertheless, firing triggers powerful feelings of anxiety and exclusion, providing managers with some of their toughest communication challenges. The firing process can be outsourced and impersonalised, [ more » ]
Fifty Shades of Being Engaging
Engagement among employees and teams is the fashionable ‘new grey’ of management communications. Human Resource departments have seen to it that employee engagement scores form part of many company Annual Reports – meaning senior managers are now driven to improve scores year-on-year. It’s all about igniting the individual motivation of employees so they will play [ more » ]