The Spoken Word… or the Spoken Thought?

The Spoken Word… or the Spoken Thought?

Has President Donald Trump’s own distinctive delivery style rendered the formal prepared speech forever obsolete? For millennia, the business of public persuasion by princes, politicians and those in power, has depended on a deliberate construct based on the rules of oratory and rhetoric. Building up a chain of logical argument by means of tested ideas   [ more » ]

Primary Colours

Primary Colours

Just as every hue in the rainbow can be traced back to a mix of primary colours, can human behaviours and the ways we communicate them, be boiled down to a recognisable pattern? Alas, humans don’t conform to colour theory. In fact, if there’s one truly consistent thing about human behaviour, it’s that people behave   [ more » ]

A Golden Age of Narcissism

A Golden Age of Narcissism

Thanks to the undoubted  persuasion power and oratorial skills of certain politicians,  some commentators have  laid the blame on  charisma for what might be called a battle of “Demagogues Vs. Democrats” that’s now unfolding across some western liberal democracies. In fact, we seem to be entering a new Golden Age of Narcissism, built around  the   [ more » ]